Born and raised in California with a brief hiatus to the midwest (for college).
I'm an Orange County girl living it up in the City of Angels. I love LA! (I love it!). The traffic isn't my favorite, yet the history and melting pot of cultures and traditions are. That's what truly makes LA a unique and wonderful place.
Fun facts: I've been told that I'm a sweetheart with a titanium core and that I have a unique relationship with adventure. (I agree!). I genuinely love life and people - and all the sports (football, soccer, baseball, basketball...). I enjoy being active and being silly. I'm clumsy, I laugh a lot (mostly at myself), and I like to travel. I've been to three countries outside of America, so far, and cannot wait to visit more. I drive a Prius named Pearl, I smile at strangers, and I hum to myself in the grocery store. I'm the oldest of two children and my mom and sister are the joys of my life. I am blessed to be brought up and supported by such strong, independent, creative, intelligent, beautiful women. Family is everything.
My obsession with fitness started when I was in high school - yet I didn't really know it, yet. I was part of the Huntington Beach City Jr. Lifeguard program and we were able to do physically challenging activities every day for a period of time in the summer. As demanding as the program was, I really enjoyed it! I looked forward to going back every summer. I never became a lifeguard at the beach, yet I practiced the workout drills we did in the sand long after the program ended.
When the Gold's Gym first opened in HB, I entered a contest at the local juice/smoothie shop and won a membership to the gym. My mom went with me to redeem the membership prize and after the tour, she shut it down. She was mom'ing hard and worried too much about her high school-age daughter among all the testosterone in the gym. I was devastated, to say the least. Soon thereafter, she brought home a few workout VHS tapes for me (it was the 90s!) - Tae Bo and Dance Cardio with Paula Abdul. They weren't the gym, yet they were good enough. Those VHS tapes sparked my enthusiasm for at-home fitness.
Learn more about me in Survey Time below.
I'm an Orange County girl living it up in the City of Angels. I love LA! (I love it!). The traffic isn't my favorite, yet the history and melting pot of cultures and traditions are. That's what truly makes LA a unique and wonderful place.
Fun facts: I've been told that I'm a sweetheart with a titanium core and that I have a unique relationship with adventure. (I agree!). I genuinely love life and people - and all the sports (football, soccer, baseball, basketball...). I enjoy being active and being silly. I'm clumsy, I laugh a lot (mostly at myself), and I like to travel. I've been to three countries outside of America, so far, and cannot wait to visit more. I drive a Prius named Pearl, I smile at strangers, and I hum to myself in the grocery store. I'm the oldest of two children and my mom and sister are the joys of my life. I am blessed to be brought up and supported by such strong, independent, creative, intelligent, beautiful women. Family is everything.
My obsession with fitness started when I was in high school - yet I didn't really know it, yet. I was part of the Huntington Beach City Jr. Lifeguard program and we were able to do physically challenging activities every day for a period of time in the summer. As demanding as the program was, I really enjoyed it! I looked forward to going back every summer. I never became a lifeguard at the beach, yet I practiced the workout drills we did in the sand long after the program ended.
When the Gold's Gym first opened in HB, I entered a contest at the local juice/smoothie shop and won a membership to the gym. My mom went with me to redeem the membership prize and after the tour, she shut it down. She was mom'ing hard and worried too much about her high school-age daughter among all the testosterone in the gym. I was devastated, to say the least. Soon thereafter, she brought home a few workout VHS tapes for me (it was the 90s!) - Tae Bo and Dance Cardio with Paula Abdul. They weren't the gym, yet they were good enough. Those VHS tapes sparked my enthusiasm for at-home fitness.
Learn more about me in Survey Time below.
In 2018 #SINGLEGIRLFITCLUB was created when I was pissed off that I was by myself at the gym, again. All I've ever wanted was a consistent gym buddy - a swolemate, if you will. I've been single for most of my life, yet never imagined that at 36, I wouldn't even have the prospect of a boyfriend - let alone a husband. I'm independent and do a lot of activities/go on a lot of adventures solo, so being at the gym or going to the gym solo has never been a problem or issue. I was just really aware of some things in my life that day, and needed to hashtag it. Luckily, #SINGLEGIRLFITCLUB was not anywhere to be seen on Instagram, so I snagged it, and have been using it ever since.
#SINGLEGIRLFITCLUB has developed into something more than just health and physical fitness- it is LIFE fitness. 'Fit' in the way of emotional, mental, physical, spiritual, and financial health. #SINGLEGIRLFITCLUB is a community of women coming together to shine extra bright and thrive. The thing that sets us apart, our undeniable superpower: we're doing it all solo. There are a lot of groups and resources out there for moms and married women, yet what about the single women? And especially single women without children? As a single woman in my 30s, who was not freaking out about her biological clock or getting bent out of shape due to excessive dating/trying to find Mr. Right, I wasn't finding what I was needing in terms of... well, anything. So I created it. #SINGLEGIRLFITCLUB is a good vibes only safe space/ place where single women can come together to support, encourage, and celebrate each other while exploring the depths of self-love (and/or the barriers that may prevent us from complete surrender to self-love). Learn more about joining the #SINGLEGIRLFITCLUB.
In 2018 [Team Moonbeam] was established when I decided to take that fateful leap of faith and dive into Beachbody Coaching. I first signed up to be a Team Beachbody Coach for the discount on Shakeology when they introduced the first vegan flavors back in 2012. I've been a loyal Beachbody fan (and Vegan Shakeology drinker!) ever since. I never really felt comfortable enough in my own skin or confident in my abilities to have my own business as a health and fitness coach, though. When I was doing an office job that I didn't care for and got laid off, I was out of excuses not to go for it. I had been praying about my life purpose and wanting more time to pursue my passion for health and fitness, and sure enough, my prayers were answered. I always wanted to have my own business, and now I do! My health and fitness journey, my history of jobs that I've loved and hated, my journey of self-love, my struggle from being house-less to renting an apartment and buying my first bed - it all led me to this: [Team Moonbeam].
[Team Moonbeam] is a village, a community, a family, a big and wonderful group of fit friends. We're here for goal-setting and goal-getting. We're here for support and encouragement. We're here for camaraderie and friendship. We're here because we want to be here. We're here together, in it to win it; traveling along this journey called Life and trying to figure it all out - one workout, one sweat sesh, one step, one breath, one day, one leap of faith at a time. We would love to welcome you into our inner circle! Learn more about joining [Team Moonbeam].
#SINGLEGIRLFITCLUB has developed into something more than just health and physical fitness- it is LIFE fitness. 'Fit' in the way of emotional, mental, physical, spiritual, and financial health. #SINGLEGIRLFITCLUB is a community of women coming together to shine extra bright and thrive. The thing that sets us apart, our undeniable superpower: we're doing it all solo. There are a lot of groups and resources out there for moms and married women, yet what about the single women? And especially single women without children? As a single woman in my 30s, who was not freaking out about her biological clock or getting bent out of shape due to excessive dating/trying to find Mr. Right, I wasn't finding what I was needing in terms of... well, anything. So I created it. #SINGLEGIRLFITCLUB is a good vibes only safe space/ place where single women can come together to support, encourage, and celebrate each other while exploring the depths of self-love (and/or the barriers that may prevent us from complete surrender to self-love). Learn more about joining the #SINGLEGIRLFITCLUB.
In 2018 [Team Moonbeam] was established when I decided to take that fateful leap of faith and dive into Beachbody Coaching. I first signed up to be a Team Beachbody Coach for the discount on Shakeology when they introduced the first vegan flavors back in 2012. I've been a loyal Beachbody fan (and Vegan Shakeology drinker!) ever since. I never really felt comfortable enough in my own skin or confident in my abilities to have my own business as a health and fitness coach, though. When I was doing an office job that I didn't care for and got laid off, I was out of excuses not to go for it. I had been praying about my life purpose and wanting more time to pursue my passion for health and fitness, and sure enough, my prayers were answered. I always wanted to have my own business, and now I do! My health and fitness journey, my history of jobs that I've loved and hated, my journey of self-love, my struggle from being house-less to renting an apartment and buying my first bed - it all led me to this: [Team Moonbeam].
[Team Moonbeam] is a village, a community, a family, a big and wonderful group of fit friends. We're here for goal-setting and goal-getting. We're here for support and encouragement. We're here for camaraderie and friendship. We're here because we want to be here. We're here together, in it to win it; traveling along this journey called Life and trying to figure it all out - one workout, one sweat sesh, one step, one breath, one day, one leap of faith at a time. We would love to welcome you into our inner circle! Learn more about joining [Team Moonbeam].
I stopped eating meat when I was 15. My mother was diagnosed with Stage 4 colon cancer and the doctors suggested she change her diet to assist with recovery from chemo, radiation, and surgery. She brought home a vegetarian cookbook and my sister and I went green with her for support. I was under no pressure or obligation, I just wanted to help my mom get better - and giving up meat for a while is something I could do. That was 21 years ago. By the grace of God, my mother is in full remission and our family still remains meat-free.
My transition to the green side did not happen over night. I weened myself off of meat slowly over a period of a couple months. Week-by-week, I began to eliminate meaty things from my diet - as much as I could for being a kid, that is. The choice was always mine, though - I really appreciate and am grateful to my mom for leaving such a choice up to my sister and I to figure out for ourselves. As time went on in the early meat-free months, I realized that I didn't miss eating meat. It was taboo in my immediate social circle to be meat-free, yet I persisted. It felt good being a vegetarian.
In my early-20s, I began to develop an intolerance to lactose. (It wasn't pretty!). Eliminating dairy became my next thing. I fought it for-seriously-ever and called myself a 'veggie/vegan' for a long time. I knew I had a limit with how much dairy I could consume, so I didn't have it on the regular - yet occasionally I'd go for it... and, of course, regretted it. By my mid/late-20s, I was done with dairy. I was still loving on honey, though, and giving that up was the last thing I needed to do to be an honest vegan.
I held on to honey for another seriously-forever long time. Around 2014-2015, I weened myself off of honey and became a full-fledged vegan. I feel great and I wouldn't have it any other way.
Somewhere along this timeline, my sweet sister developed a fierce intolerance to wheat/gluten. (It wasn't pretty!). The family kicked into support mode again and we started eating gluten-free. TBH: I don't even remember when this started. One day Mom said that Sister has trouble processing wheat/gluten. And I recall saying: 'okay, bread and stuff is officially off my plate and out of my diet, too.' And that was that. I gotta say: I do not miss bread. Not even a little bit.
Being a gluten-free vegan is one of the best choices I've ever made. I can honestly say that I feel good - from the inside out. I legit only eat things that make me feel good - and I never thought that would happen. When your guts are in distress, your body, mind, and life are in distress. I honestly had no idea I could find, have, and maintain peace within my body/digestive system. I am a proud vegan for all the plethora of health benefits that come from eating fresh, organic plants. I seriously love it! Learn more about the health benefits of being Vegan.
My transition to the green side did not happen over night. I weened myself off of meat slowly over a period of a couple months. Week-by-week, I began to eliminate meaty things from my diet - as much as I could for being a kid, that is. The choice was always mine, though - I really appreciate and am grateful to my mom for leaving such a choice up to my sister and I to figure out for ourselves. As time went on in the early meat-free months, I realized that I didn't miss eating meat. It was taboo in my immediate social circle to be meat-free, yet I persisted. It felt good being a vegetarian.
In my early-20s, I began to develop an intolerance to lactose. (It wasn't pretty!). Eliminating dairy became my next thing. I fought it for-seriously-ever and called myself a 'veggie/vegan' for a long time. I knew I had a limit with how much dairy I could consume, so I didn't have it on the regular - yet occasionally I'd go for it... and, of course, regretted it. By my mid/late-20s, I was done with dairy. I was still loving on honey, though, and giving that up was the last thing I needed to do to be an honest vegan.
I held on to honey for another seriously-forever long time. Around 2014-2015, I weened myself off of honey and became a full-fledged vegan. I feel great and I wouldn't have it any other way.
Somewhere along this timeline, my sweet sister developed a fierce intolerance to wheat/gluten. (It wasn't pretty!). The family kicked into support mode again and we started eating gluten-free. TBH: I don't even remember when this started. One day Mom said that Sister has trouble processing wheat/gluten. And I recall saying: 'okay, bread and stuff is officially off my plate and out of my diet, too.' And that was that. I gotta say: I do not miss bread. Not even a little bit.
Being a gluten-free vegan is one of the best choices I've ever made. I can honestly say that I feel good - from the inside out. I legit only eat things that make me feel good - and I never thought that would happen. When your guts are in distress, your body, mind, and life are in distress. I honestly had no idea I could find, have, and maintain peace within my body/digestive system. I am a proud vegan for all the plethora of health benefits that come from eating fresh, organic plants. I seriously love it! Learn more about the health benefits of being Vegan.
If you could have an endless supply of any food, what would you get? Chips, guacamole, and vegan chocolate chip cookies.
What was your first job? I worked in Guest Services at Knott's Berry Farm.
Have you ever met anyone famous? Internet famous... yes.
What are you reading right now? A few different things: "How to Be Single", "You are a Badass", and "Big Magic".
If you could pick up a new skill in an instant, what would it be? To learn and retain languages.
What app is used the most on your phone? I'm always on Instagram, Snapchat, and Duolingo... also, checking my calendar.
What is your favorite emoji? I've got three faves: 😆✨🎉
Who is your hero? My mother.
What’s your favorite thing to do in the summer? Run outside, work out, eat watermelon, and attend music and yoga festivals.
If they made a movie of your life, what would it be about and which actor would you want to play you? It would be an equal part rom-com and action/adventure movie; and I'd want Meghan Markle or Zoe Kravitz to play me.
If you were an ice cream flavor, which one would you be and why? Vegan Cookies 'N' Creme. (my favorite!)
What’s your favorite cartoon character, and why? I love everyone in Bob's Burgers and Archer... Also Aang from Avatar: The Last Airbender.
If you could visit any place in the world, where would you choose to go and why? Italy! There's so much of that country I still have yet to explore.
Are you a morning or a night person? Totally a morning person.
What are your favorite hobbies? I like to play the flute and make friendship bracelets. (In addition to running, lifting weights, and practicing yoga.)
What's your favorite place you've ever visited? I fell in love with Firenze in Italy and Cork in Ireland.
What is one of your pet peeves? Trash/pieces of litter that is *next to* the trash can.
Name one of your favorite things about someone in your family. My sister is so thoughtful and creative! I really admire her. My mother is so patient, cheerful, and wise! I am in awe of her.
Tell us about a quirky habit of yours. I crack my knuckles.
Have you had your 15 minutes of fame yet? Not yet... still working towards it.
If you had to describe yourself using three words, it would be… Four words, actually: sunshine of your life.
What's your favorite breakfast cereal? Koala Krispies! (vegan and gluten free)
Are you a dog person or a cat person? Both! I love animals.
What is your zodiac sign? I'm a fiery Aries.
If you could have an endless supply of any food, what would you get? Chips, guacamole, and vegan chocolate chip cookies.
What was your first job? I worked in Guest Services at Knott's Berry Farm.
Have you ever met anyone famous? Internet famous... yes.
What are you reading right now? A few different things: "How to Be Single", "You are a Badass", and "Big Magic".
If you could pick up a new skill in an instant, what would it be? To learn and retain languages.
What app is used the most on your phone? I'm always on Instagram, Snapchat, and Duolingo... also, checking my calendar.
What is your favorite emoji? I've got three faves: 😆✨🎉
Who is your hero? My mother.
What’s your favorite thing to do in the summer? Run outside, work out, eat watermelon, and attend music and yoga festivals.
If they made a movie of your life, what would it be about and which actor would you want to play you? It would be an equal part rom-com and action/adventure movie; and I'd want Meghan Markle or Zoe Kravitz to play me.
If you were an ice cream flavor, which one would you be and why? Vegan Cookies 'N' Creme. (my favorite!)
What’s your favorite cartoon character, and why? I love everyone in Bob's Burgers and Archer... Also Aang from Avatar: The Last Airbender.
If you could visit any place in the world, where would you choose to go and why? Italy! There's so much of that country I still have yet to explore.
Are you a morning or a night person? Totally a morning person.
What are your favorite hobbies? I like to play the flute and make friendship bracelets. (In addition to running, lifting weights, and practicing yoga.)
What's your favorite place you've ever visited? I fell in love with Firenze in Italy and Cork in Ireland.
What is one of your pet peeves? Trash/pieces of litter that is *next to* the trash can.
Name one of your favorite things about someone in your family. My sister is so thoughtful and creative! I really admire her. My mother is so patient, cheerful, and wise! I am in awe of her.
Tell us about a quirky habit of yours. I crack my knuckles.
Have you had your 15 minutes of fame yet? Not yet... still working towards it.
If you had to describe yourself using three words, it would be… Four words, actually: sunshine of your life.
What's your favorite breakfast cereal? Koala Krispies! (vegan and gluten free)
Are you a dog person or a cat person? Both! I love animals.
What is your zodiac sign? I'm a fiery Aries.