December Funsies 2021
Let's be honest: the holidays aren't happy for everyone. It's okay.
December Funsies are just that - a collection of fun activities that give us options and ways to come together, just as we are, to chill, connect, share stories, relax, release, and let loose. All events are social distance appropriate and covid conscious and friendly. That means - you guessed it - they're all online via Zoom! Yaaay! I know Zoom fatigue is a real thing. I know. I get it. I hear you. I feel you. I experience it, too - I do. Do me - and most importantly: you! - a favor though if/when the Zoom fatigue hits hard... login to December Funsies anyway. I promise, super duper extra twisty pinky swear to you - you will not regret it. (...if you do, though, message me and I'll apologize profusely.) We have gentle yoga, mindful meditation, and popup parties* all month long, oh my! This is a welcoming and brave space for anyone who is like me and looking to connect with others, in general, yet especially during this time of year. Please join us! We are looking forward to sharing space, these crazy adventures, and shameless shenanigans with you! Mark you calendar and click the links above for details about each event and how to sign up to attend. *Please feel empowered to check back often for PopUp Party teasers and details. |